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Conversions Performance

The Analytics Conversions report provides an enhanced analysis of your Google Analytics Goals conversions and e-commerce transactions including number and rate of conversions, top Referral Sources, Top Landing Pages, and Top Keywords. Hover over any point or number in the interactive graph to view the number of conversions or transactions on any day.

Important! To view this report Google Analytics must be configured correctly (please refer to Rank Ranger's Google Analytics documentation).  For more information on setting up Goals for Google Analytics Traffic, please refer to Google's Create and Manage Goals documentation.

Analytics Conversion

Report Sections

Display all or specific Sections
In this example, all sections are displayed:
  • Conversions Graph: displays the number of conversions per day for a 30-day period based on the Analytics settings you've chosen
  • Goals by Channel displays a list of goals and the associated number of conversions by channel based on the display settings you've selected
  • Top Referrers:  provides a list of conversion traffic sources, number of conversions and percent
  • Top Landing Pages: provides a list of the top landing pages based on the number of conversions
  • Top Keywords: displays a list of the top traffic generating keywords that resulted in conversions

Performance > Conversions report

Use the "Compare to Past" option to analyze conversion between two time periods, mouse-over any point or number for detailed description.
Analytics Conversion Compare Dates

Conversion Totals
In the section below the graph you'll see the number of Conversions and Conversion Rate or when Ecommerce is selected in the Goals/Conversions section of Report Options the Transactions, Conversion Rate and Revenue are displayed. You can also view the change from a previous time period by selecting 'Compare to Past' with a date range in Report Options.
Ecommerce Transaction Conversion

Report Options

date range

date range


  • Select Report Dates from the Report Options calendar tool or select a Custom Date Range in the top right toolbar
  • Check the Compare to Past box and select a period, if desired.

    If "Previous Period" is elected and the report date range is set to a 31-day month (e.g., July), and the previous month has only 30 days (e.g., June), then the report will include the last day of the month prior to that (e.g., May 31). This is the way the Google calculates the dates in their reports.

    We also offer a "Calendar Month(s)" option that compares each full calendar month in the report date range to the previous month(s). For example, if you select a report period of April 1 - May 31 (i.e. 61 days), the previous Calendar Months compared will be February 1 - March 31 (59 days), even though the total number of days in the 2 periods are not the same. As opposed to the "Previous Period" setting, resulting in a comparison period of January 30 - March 31 to match the 61 days of April 1 - May 31.

    The "Same Time Last Year" setting matches exact dates (e.g., January 1, 2018 - June 30, 2018 compared to January 1, 2017 - June 30, 2017).
  • Digits after decimal: Select a number of digits after the decimal point for all compared to past values.
display settings

Display Settings

  • Custom Report Title (optional): Enter a report title to display at the top of the report
  • Display or hide the Data Source Icon (i.e., Google Analytics icon displays next to each section heading
Report Sections

Report Sections

Display or Hide:

  • Graph that displays at the top of the report
  • Totals (summary of the Goals or Transactions selected in the Analytics Settings)
  • Goals by Channel Table
  • Top Referrers, and select the maximum number of results to display
  • Top Landing Pages, and select the maximum number of results to display
  • Top Keywords, and select the maximum number of results to display
Google Analytics Conversions

Google Analytics Conversions Filter:

  • Select Goals or Transactions
  • If Goals is selected, then you may choose specific Goal(s) that appear in the list based on the goals you've set in your Google Analytics account (items shown here are examples).
Select ecommerce Currency

Ecommerce Currency

  • Select from the list of world currencies the one you've set in your Google Analytics account for this domain.  If the currency you have set up in Google doesn't pass correctly through Google Analytics to Rank Ranger, you can change the currency symbol with this setting.
Select a Search Type

Search Type Filter

  • All
  • Organic
  • Paid
  • Organic & Paid
  • Exclude Organic
  • Exclude Paid

Filter by Keyword

Filter by Keyword

  • Enter a Keyword if you want to filter the report by a keyword. Enter a plus (+)  before positive keywords and minus (-) before negative keywords with a space between each keyword/phrase in the Filter by Keyword field.  For More information...
Click the Apply Changes button.

Understanding the Report Metrics

Conversions/Transactions Displays the total number of conversions (Goal Completions) or transactions (completed purchases on your site).
Conversion Rate
Goals: The sum of all individual goal conversion rates.
E-commerce: E-commerce Conversion Rate is the percentage of visits that resulted in an e-commerce transaction.
The total revenue from e-commerce transactions. Depending on your implementation, this can include tax and delivery.
Top Keywords
Displays the top Keywords generating conversions.
Top Sources
Displays the top Sites referring conversions.

Add to PDF Report

Conveniently add a report or graph with its current settings to a PDF report by hovering over the gold gear icon and selecting Add to PDF Reports

add report to PDF

Select the PDF Report that you want the report or graph added to
select white label report

Drag the new report or graph into the position you want it to display in the PDF and confirm that the Date settings do not conflict with the automated scheduling settings.

PDF Report Settings - Conversions

Reports and graphs can be added to automated PDF reports via the report screen (as described above) or manually in the PDF Report Content screen. If the report is added via the:
  • report screen, then begin by clicking the Edit button corresponding to the report
  • PDF Report Content screen, then click the Add Report button and select the Campaign name and Report: Conversions.


Expand the Date Options section and in the Show Report date of the last field type in the number of periods to be displayed in the report.

In the next field select one of the following options:
  • days
  • weeks
  • months
  • years
In the ending on the field select one of the following options:
  • first day
  • last day
  • or a specific day of the month
  • or a specific day of the week (when weekly reports are selected)
In the of field select one of the following options:
  • this
  • last
In the next field select one of the following options:
  • week
  • month
Select the Compare to Past option by adding a check to the box.(optional)

If Compare to Past is checked, select one of the time period options:
  • Previous Period 
  • Same Time Last Year 
  • Custom Date
The Date selection must produce a logical date setting based on the PDF report's automated scheduling (at the bottom of the Report Details screen). For example:
  • last day of last month
  • 1st of this month
  • last day of last week
If the report is scheduled to be sent every Monday, then the following example would be invalid:
  • Saturday of this week (because weeks begin on Sunday and if reports are sent on Monday, then Saturday of this week hasn't yet occurred).
If the report is scheduled to be sent on the 1st day of every month, the following example would be invalid:
  • last day of this month (because it's only the 1st day of the month the report is being sent)

General Settings

Custom Report Title (optional): displays across the top of the report section.

Display Data Source Icon(s) by moving the slider to the right. 

Display Top Referrers by moving the slider to the right. (optional)

If Top Referrers is displayed, Limit Results by choosing a number from the dropdown menu.

Display Top Keywords by moving the slider to the right. (optional)

If Top Keywords is displayed, Limit Results by choosing a number from the dropdown menu.

Analytics Settings

Select a metric from the dropdown menu for specific filters:
  • Filter by
  • Currency
  • Search Type
Enter a Keyword(s) as a filter.  Include a space between each keyword.

Add to Marketing Dashboard

Conveniently add a report or graph with its current settings to a marketing dashboard:

1. Hover over the gold gear icon and select Add to Marketing Dashboard
2. Select the Dashboard (campaign name)
3. Select the Dashboard Page that you want the report added to

add report to PDF

4. Click the "Go to Dashboard" link to further customize the report (e.g., drag it to a specific position on the page, change date settings, etc.)

Refer to the Report Options section for details regarding the display settings, filters and sort options available for this report.

The report date (or date range) is governed by the selected Dashboard date option: Date Selection or Fixed Periods, learn more...

  • Daily reports default to the last day of the selected period
  • Weekly and monthly reports default to 1 month of data
To change the number of weeks or months displayed in a specific report, click the gear icon for any marketing dashboard report element and expand the Date option section, enter the number and click the Save Button.
marketing dashboard report date options

Add to Client Dashboard

Customize Report for Client Dashboard

Client Dashboards display our default report options for each individual report and graph until you modify them. To customize the display of the report, expand the Report Options section, change the settings and click the Apply Changes button.

Then expand Report Options again and hover over the Save icon and select Save as Default for Client Dashboard.

report options

After saving the Client Dashboard default, any changes that you make to the report options will not affect the display in the Client Dashboard unless you overwrite it by following these instructions again.

Enable the Report or Graph to display in the Client Dashboard

Open the Campaign Settings > Client Dashboard screen and check the box corresponding to the report(s) you want displayed in the dashboard, and then click the Save button. 

access permissions to client dashboard

Refer to Client Dashboard Settings documentation for additional instructions for customizing your dashboard.

Google Analytics Reports and Graphs

Google Search & Ad Metrics Glossary

The below-listed metrics are only for the Google Analytics Universal Profile connection.
Wondering what some of the Google metrics in our reports and graphs mean? 

Ad Clicks Displays the number of times viewers of a banner click on an ad to view the full offer.
All Users Total of new users and returning users for a given period of time.
Assisted Conversions Google's measure of any interaction, other than the final click, that led to a consumer converting on a website.
Assisted Value The total value of the conversions assisted by the channel.
Attribution The process of assigning credit for sales and conversions to touchpoints in conversion paths.
Attribution allows marketers to quantify each channel's contribution to sales and conversions. For example, many people may purchase on your site after searching for your brand on Google.
Refer to this Google Support document for more information.
Avg. Time on Site Displays the average length of time a visitor spent on a particular page or set of pages.
Avg. Value A calculation of Event Value / Total Events.
Bounce Rate Displays the percentage of single-page visits (i.e. visits in which the person left your site from the page they entered through without going deeper inside your site).
Completions The total number of users who have completed all elements defined for a particular goal.
Conversion A completed activity, online or offline, that is important to the success of your business. Examples include a completed sign-up for your email newsletter (a Goal conversion) and a purchase (a transaction, sometimes called an Ecommerce conversion).
Refer to this Google Support document for more information.
Conversion Rate The number of conversions is divided by the number of total ad clicks that can be tracked to a conversion during the same time period.
Cost The total cost of Google AdWords campaigns, in currency units defined by the Google account user.
Channel Grouping A roll-up of traffic sources in the Acquisition reports that groups several marketing activities together. Channel groupings allow you to view and compare aggregated metrics by channel name, as well as an individual traffic source, medium, or campaign name.
Refer to this Google Support document for more information.
CPC (Cost Per Click) Cost-per-click is the average cost an advertiser paid for each click on search ad(s).
CTR (Click Through Ratio) Displays the Click-through-ratio for an ad.  This is equal to the number of clicks divided by the number of impressions the ad received.
Dimension A descriptive attribute or characteristic of an object that can be given different values.
For example, a geographic location could have dimensions called Latitude, Longitude, or City Name. Values for the City Name dimension could be New York, London, etc.
Refer to this Google Support document for more information.
Event A type of hit used to track user interactions with content. Examples of user interactions commonly tracked with Events include downloads, mobile ad clicks, gadgets, Flash elements, AJAX embedded elements, and video plays.
Refer to this Google Support document for more information.
Event Value A calculation of Total Event * Value.
Exit Rate How often do users end their session or leave the site after viewing a particular page
Goal A configuration setting that allows you to track the valuable actions, or conversions, that happens on a site or mobile app.
Goals allow you to measure how well your site or app fulfills your target objectives.
Refer to this Google Support document for more information.
Hits An interaction that results in data being sent to Analytics. Common hit types include page tracking hits, event tracking hits, and e-commerce hits.
Each time the tracking code is triggered by a user’s behavior (for example, the user loads a page on a website or a screen in a mobile app), Analytics records that activity. Each interaction is packaged into a hit and sent to Google’s servers.
Refer to this Google Support document for more information.
Impressions (Ads) The measurement of how many times an ad is shown.
Impressions (Search Console) An impression is the display of a website link in search results or an advertisement. This metric accounts for the total number of impressions recorded by Google for a website or ad campaign.
Last Interaction Conversions The ratio of assisted/last interaction conversions. This is a number that indicates whether this channel primarily results in last interaction conversions or is predominantly assisted conversions. Numbers of 1.5 and higher indicate that this channel is predominantly accounting for assisted conversions, while numbers closer to 0 indicate the channel’s contribution to conversions is predominantly as the last interaction.
Last Interaction Value The total value of the conversions completed by the listed channels.
Metric Individual elements of a dimension that can be measured as a sum or a ratio.
For example, the dimension City can be associated with a metric like Population, which would have a sum value of all the residents of the specific city.
Refer to this Google Support document for more information.
New Users New Users is based on Google's ga:newUsers metric and represents the number of sessions marked as a user's first sessions.
New Users % New Users % is based on Google's ga:percentNewSessions metric that represents the percentage of sessions by users who had never visited the site before. It does not represent the number of new users between one period and the previous. In this Google Developer document, it is described as the calculation of ga:newSessions / ga:sessions
New Visits Displays the number of new visits by people who have never been to the site before.
Organic Traffic Number of users who find your website ‘organically’ through search results, as opposed to via a paid ad, clicking a link on another site, or from a bookmark they already have saved.
Paid Traffic Number of visitors to your site who came there via Google Ads, paid search keywords and other online ad campaigns.
Pageviews An instance of a page being loaded (or reloaded) in a browser.
Pageviews is a metric defined as the total number of pages viewed.
Refer to this Google Support document for more information.
Permission The right to perform administrative and configuration tasks, to create and share assets, and to read and interact with report data.
Refer to this Google Support document for more information.
Property A sub-component of an Analytics account that determines which data is organized and stored together.
Refer to this Google Support document for more information.
Revenue Specifies the total revenue or grand total associated with the transaction (e.g. 11.99). This value may include shipping, tax costs, or other adjustments to total revenue that you want to include as part of your revenue calculations.
Roll-Up Reporting A feature of Roll-Up Properties, which aggregate data from multiple source properties into a single property.
Refer to this Google Support document for more information.
Sampling The practice of selecting a subset of data from your traffic and reporting on the trends detected in that sample set.
Refer to this Google Support document for more information.
Segment A subset of sessions or users that share common attributes.
Segments allow you to isolate and analyze groups of sessions or users for better analysis.
Refer to this Google Support document for more information.
Session The period of time a user is active on your site or app.
By default, if a user is inactive for 30 minutes or more, any future activity is attributed to a new session.
Refer to this Google Support document for more information.
Sessions with Event The number of sessions during which an Event was recorded.
Source / Medium Source: the origin of your traffic, such as a search engine (for example, google) or a domain (
Medium: the general category of the source, for example, organic search (organic), cost-per-click paid search (cpc), web referral (referral).
Refer to this Google Support document for more information.
Tags Referring to Google Tag Manager, a Tag is a snippet of JavaScript that sends information to a third party, such as Google. The Analytics tracking code is an example of a tag.
Refer to this Google Support document for more information.
Total Events A total of Events (executions of a specific action) that occurred on a website during a specified period of time.
Unique Events The number of unique events that occurred on a website during a specific period of time.
Unique Page Views The number of times a page was viewed during a specific time period.
Views The number to views a website or specific web page received during a report period.
Visits By Medium Displays the number of visits by medium through which your site was reached. For example, every referral to a website also has a medium. Possible mediums include: "organic” (unpaid search), "cpc” (cost per click, i.e. paid search), "referral” (referral), "email” (the name of a custom medium you have created), "none” (direct traffic has a medium of "none”).
Visits By Source Displays the number of visits by source that brought visitors to your website. For example, every referral to a web site has an origin, or source. Possible sources include: "google” (the name of a search engine), "” (the name of a referring site), "spring_newsletter” (the name of one of your newsletters), and "direct” (users that typed your URL directly into their browser, or who had bookmarked your site).

We will update this periodically, but in the meantime if there are metrics you're curious about that aren't listed in this glossary, please refer to this Google support document.

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